I stumbled across this phrase a few weeks ago while reading Ephesians. Paul ends this great letter with these words:
Grace be to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love incorruptible. (6:24)
The phrase jumped off the page and I immediately began to think about its implications.
- I can only do this because Jesus embodies LOVE INCORRUPTIBLE
- He is both the model and the source of it
- My story is full of examples of love corrupted and defiled
- When do I let my heart be corrupted by loving something or someone more than Jesus?
- Do I RECOGNIZE where Jesus redeeming and purifying my corrupt heart?
- How do I keep my heart loving Him in this way?
So much to consider - I will be thinking on and answering these questions in this blog and for the rest of my lifetime. In the meantime, praise Jesus for His incorruptible love and for the grace to love as He does.
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